Live Well Psychiatry


Whether you would benefit from psychiatry (medication management) or psychotherapy (counseling) we can help empower you with what you need to live well. Your treatment is tailored to your needs to ensure effective and lasting change. Some patients only need medication management, some only need therapy, and many patients find success with both. Don’t worry if you are unsure which treatment you require, part of your first visit is deciding which route is best for you. If counseling is something you need, we will help you find a provider that you work well with.

We work with a wide range of diagnoses that include, but is not limited to:

ADHD, Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, GAD, Mood Disorders, OCD, Panic Disorder, PTSD, Separation Anxiety, and Social Phobia.

These are just a few of the mental health issues we treat. Even if your mental illness is not listed, schedule an appointment and/or fill out these (forms) and we will meet and determine if we can help.

Patient Testimonials

“Dr Hoopes is very knowledgeable and always has a smile on his face! His staff is also very friendly. I highly recommend Live Well Psychiatry.” – Jody T.

“I have been battling bipolar spectrum disorder type II (much more time on the depressive side), suicidal ideation and anxiety for decades and have lost friends, family and employment along the way. I was legitimately at rock bottom and had given up all hope. Medications and cognitive behavioral therapy have helped throughout the decades, however, the depression, shame, guilt and intrusive suicidal thoughts had taken a toll on me. When Dr. Hoopes mentioned a newer therapy that may work on my debilitating symptoms I had hope. Hope, fortunately turned into being a game changer and to such a degree that almost all of my symptoms have drastically diminished if not gone into full remission! Dr. Hoopes knowledge of TMS and how it works to reset the brain is so vast that by my last treatment I walked out of his office not only knowing he is a top notch psychiatrist but believing he is an incredible neuroscientist as well. This noted, he has the unique ability to educate, listen and empathize in a way that will put you totally at ease. Dr. Hoopes truly cares, he taught me numerous coping skills to utilize in everyday life during treatment sessions. I am much better equipped now to process through past trauma that I had not adequately addressed before thus now allowing closure and not living in the past. The mental clarity for me is truly priceless! Dr. Hoopes and his staff are knowledgeable, accommodating with scheduling and above all compassionate on an epic scale.”  – C. K.

“As a result of my TMS treatment, I was able to have positive feelings I had not felt in years; I don’t think I would have been able to recover from depression without it. I could easily tell the staff and provider were focused on doing everything they could to help my recovery and improve the treatment comfort and effectiveness.”  – Alec H.